The three women of the Acequia Madre House had lives that spanned 150 years from 1849 to 1999, a period of monumental events and historic change. They left behind an extraordinary record of those times in letters, journals, publications, albums and photographs.
Sharing their time between their homes in Pasadena, California, and Santa Fe, their archive is preserved in those two locations. The record of their California activities can be found at the Pasadena Museum of History, while the story of their Santa Fe and Southwest endeavors is documented at the University of New Mexico.
To view some of the resources in the Archive and Collection, please visit our FINDING AID and our DIGITAL PHOTO COLLECTION online at the University of New Mexico, or contact us with questions.
As world travelers, they were in Egypt in 1869 when the Suez Canal opened and witnessed Archduke Ferdinand’s funeral on the eve of WWI. The women wrote to each other almost every day they were apart and since each was a preservationist, the archive in Santa Fe often has both sides of the correspondence. In addition to the paper items, the archive has a rich collection of photographs documenting their travels, lives, and activities in Santa Fe and the surrounding territory with its diverse cultures. The photographic collection also includes work by other photographers including Ansel Adams, who was a guest at the house. This archive is accessible to scholars by appointment.